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Safeline Receives Mascoma Bank Grant for "Sexual Abuse Investigations Support"

Chelsea, VT, 12/7/2020 —Safeline Inc., the local domestic violence and sexual abuse nonprofit organization, has announced receipt of a $5,470 grant from Mascoma Bank for the upcoming year. A vital service that a Safeline advocate provides is in conjunction with the Orange County Special Investigations Unit/Child Advocacy Center. When a child, youth or adult goes for an investigative interview concerning allegations of sexual assault, sexual abuse or serious physical abuse, Safeline’s advocate provides crucial support and referral services for the victim and their family.

This grant will fund an advocate to help a parent or victim navigate the multiple systems involved in the investigation process. An advocate provides one-to-one emotional support for a parent while investigators interview a child. The Special Investigations Unit conducts interviews initiated by reports from the police and the Department for Children and Families. Victims and parents benefit from the guidance, safety planning and information an advocate provides. This allows victims to feel some sense of relief while dealing with many emotions.

“After an incident of sexual violence, victims and their families are often in crisis and need assistance handling their situation on many levels. We are extremely grateful to Mascoma Bank for funding the services that help families start to heal,” said Linda Ingold, Safeline’s Executive Director.

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